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Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 11:47
by cufc
Has anyone had one of these systems fitted? If so can you give me an idea of what it should cost and is it worth it in a normal sized one storey home?

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 12:22
by polremy
Just had to google it.
Thought it might be a perm at first!
I had one of those once.
Cost far too much and no, it wasn't worth it.

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 17:11
by Arthur and Lyn
I am intrigued, what is it?

:lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 17:13
by polremy
Something that has to be plumbed in - decided i was just a girlie and it was nothing to do with me so i didn't read any further.

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 17:59
by cufc
If your hot water boiler is at one end of the house and bathrooms/ showers at the other , it is a system that means the hot water is instant rather than you having to run water until it comes through warm. Involves a pump and pipes creating a circuit, I think.

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 18:39
by Marguerite & Steve a comby boiler... :? :? or old geezer.. :wink:

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 19:07
by polremy
sounds interesting...............................

......................will tell mr pr about it!

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 20:06
by Allan
As I understand it, you have insulated pipes to your taps and back to the hot water tank, hot water is then permanently pumped to your taps and back to the tank.

The idea is you get instant hot water when you turn on a tap rather than having to run off water in the pipes beforehand.

Other than the convenience of not waiting for hot water to run through the pipes, the claim is that it saves money because your pipes are insulated.

It looks like a major plumbing task for very little gain.

What problem are you trying to solve?

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 20:19
by cufc
We are having a new house built so we need to decide whether or not to have one while the plumber is doing his stuff and before the floors are tiled.

Just wondered if it was a worthwhile way of saving water that you would otherwise waste waiting for it to run hot. It doesn't run continuously.

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 20:31
by Roger O
There are other advantages - if installed correctly with the circuits - for example, that if you are in the shower and someone
else starts washing the dishes (either machine or by hand) and/or someone else flushes the toilet or turns on the garden hose,
you neither get a drop in pressure in your shower, nor a sudden "icy" surprise!

That's also worth something!

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 21:18
by cufc
But is it worth installing?

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 21:28
by polremy
How much would it cost? Obviously that makes a difference.
What else could you spend the money on?

Posted: Thu 17 Jun 2010 21:33
by cufc
Friends were quoted around 400 Euro but ours is more than double that.