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France Telecom

Posted: Tue 08 Jun 2010 20:42
by Sue
I just wanted to put in writing how impressed we are with the service given. I have read and heard many things about how poor France Telecom are in sorting out problems. We have suffered with a very crackly telephone for several weeks to the point where you couldnt hear the caller. I plucked up courage to ring FT on Saturday morning and the phone was answered by a most pleasant young man. Between my limited french and his even more limited english he was able to do a check there and then to find that it was a problem with the line outside our property and not our problem. He promised someone would put the problem right and text me on my mobile to confirm this. Low and behold first thing this morning the problem was fixed and we now have a very clear telephone reception. Thank you France Telecom.

Posted: Tue 08 Jun 2010 20:53
by Kate
How lovely Sue when people take the time to put on positive comments like this. we are so quick to complain.
Incidentally, there is an English helpline. Here is an excerpt from the next PO Life - but it sound like you coped admirably without it!

English-language helpline
France Telecom’s English-language helpline has changed to +33 (0)9 69 36 39 00
Open Monday to Friday from 9am and 5pm
Chose option 1 for technical problems
Chose option 2 for information and creation of fixed lines, advice about billing and payment etc.

Posted: Tue 08 Jun 2010 22:00
by Marguerite & Steve
I agree with you Sue, they have always been very helpful with us, even now we are having the same problem as you crackly line and our internet keeps dropping it's connection, we have had it for a few months, they then came and tested the line in March and said it was the outside line, they supposedly repaired that but we wasn't here, but on our return its still the same, we rang them and they were out 2 days later, but only to be told there is nothing wrong with the outside line or inside connection, but it was our telephones, and to ask for a new livebox as well. We went straight out and bought new phones, yes you've guessed it , its still the same, so back on the phone, we now have a "robot" testing the line for 24hrs to see if that can rectify the fault, and they are going to do a follow up call next week, so far no change, so it will be interesting to see where we go from here, but to be fair, they are doing their this space.