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générale des eaux services

Posted: Fri 02 Oct 2009 11:27
by sue and paul
We receive from time to time, including yesterday, a letter from this company. They will insure you against water leaks and other disasters if a problem occurs between the water meter and your property, and also problems with blocked/broken/leaky drains etc, exterior and interior. The premium quoted is 5.99€ a month, 71,88€ pa, for a whole range of interventions in emergency. It all looks like quite a good precaution to be taking.

Does anyone have any experiences of Générale Service des Eaux, good or bad?

Posted: Fri 02 Oct 2009 11:45
by john
I've had this insurance for a couple of years now Sue,because like you it seems a good precaution. I've thankfully had no need to claim off it as yet,so can't make any comment on the efficiency of that side of it.

I had a similar arrangement with Anglian Water in the UK,and on the one occasion I did have to claim,it saved me a small fortune.

Posted: Fri 02 Oct 2009 11:52
by Roger O
It's called "Domeo" and it's excellent!

In our old place in Le Soler we had, developed, a leaking pipe between the upstairs and downstairs toilets of which the upstairs one was directly above the other. They sent an expert who wrote a report on what needed doing, then they had a guy come and do the job - took two days and involved breaking and repairing both walls - then the expert came back to inspect. Nothing to pay. On the open market we had done an estimate with two artisans and the price would have been between 475 and 500 euros minimum.

Another time, due to root invasion, the pipe was blocked between the outside sewage pipe and the fosse septique. Again the expert came - this time with the machine with camera - found the place, marked it above, cut the root, mended the pipe and left with a big thank you from us and no bill!

We have the same insurance transferred here and feel very secure with it!

It is split into two parts - one for the house interior up to the outside and one from the house water and sewage exits up till the main public draininage as we have here 'tout à égout' and no fosse septique.

The interior part is monthly 7.99
The exterior part is monthly 5.49
(Corrected since original posting - interior/exterior prices were reversed!)

This could vary according to the types of installation, etc. but is anyway well recommendable from our experience! In Le Soler we needed only the interior part as the fosse septique connection (within our own boundary) was included, so it was cheaper. Our water supply was via the ZAC "Pesages et Volumetrie" as the old owner had been the boss - so their insurance convered that and we paid ZAC price for the water itself.
When we sold the house, the buyer contracted to have the water delivered directly from the town mains, so he would have needed both contracts after that.

They do also electricity and (mains) gas insurances as well. We have only the plomberie ones. ... berie.html

Posted: Fri 02 Oct 2009 14:54
by polremy
We got the letter today!
Don't think we'll bother though.

Posted: Fri 02 Oct 2009 15:24
by sue and paul
The offer is just till 31 October, and covers the first 12 months, thereafter they want €8.29 per month. At the foot of the letter it says the following: "Le Contrat d'Assistance Plomberie et Evacuation est un service conçu par Doméo SA pour Générale des Eaux Services."..... then an address of the Doméo head office in Lyon. ....Underwritten by AmTrust International Underwriters Limited....G des Eaux S is abrand name of Veolia Eau....And then stuff re their intention to use your data for commercial use...(don't they all?)
So it sounds as though it is actually Doméo..

Posted: Fri 02 Oct 2009 15:25
by john
Ours is certainly called Doméo as well.

Posted: Fri 02 Oct 2009 15:39
by blackduff
I get the letter each year too. But, I have dug down my water line between the meter to the house three times. The last time, I replaced the whole line. The polyethleline (sp?)plastic tubes have a life of about ten years. I looked into the internet and they say it will be bad after the ten year length.

I replaced for the same type of material but I only replaced to the house. Then I installed a valve where the line passes under the house. I installed this in a "regard" so I can determine where the leak may be leaking.

In my area, each time they would repair some other leak further down the line. Then, when they returned the full level of water, the surge would two things would happen. First the meter itself drops dead. That's good since the first time I had cheap (read this as zero)rate for 1 1/2 years. The second problem is that the tube itself cracks and it leaks. This happened again twice more with the same problems. Now I installed a surpressor to keep the water pressure for passing more than 2 bar. No more problem.

Hopefully this will not happen anymore but I can fix the line under the house easily. My house was about 14 years old when the leaks started.
