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Tool Hire

Posted: Sat 04 Apr 2009 01:33

I would like to hire an airless paint sprayer in order to paint a vast area of roughcast wall that would simply take ages to paint with a brush.

Can anyone please let me know if they ae aware of any tool hire shops that would hire such equipment, preferably as close to the Argeles area as possible.

Posted: Sat 04 Apr 2009 09:23
by Roger O
Have you tried Castorama? They used to hire out equipment but never tried in the "new" shop.

Posted: Sat 04 Apr 2009 09:27
by Kathy
There is one in Le Boulou. Lopez Location. I don't know if they have what you need but some friends of ours have hired various items from them.

Lopez Location
ZA-36 Carrer d'en Cavailles 66160 BOULOU (LE)
Tel : .04 68 83 23 97
du lundi au vendredi de 8h à 12h et de 14h à 18h

les samedi et dimanche toute la journée

tool hire.

Posted: Sun 05 Apr 2009 22:50

Thanks for the replies.
This is the sort of thing I am after.Maybe someone on the forum has one and would consider hiring it to me may know of a hire shop where they have hired one ?

Any suggestions / help would be appreciated.

hire shop

Posted: Sun 05 Apr 2009 22:53
Hello Kathy,

Dont suppose you have a website or e-mail address for Lopez Location.

My spoken french is not good enough to phone them but I can send them an e-mail and use translation software.

Dont worry if you dont have this info.


Posted: Sun 05 Apr 2009 23:10
by Serge
Translation software is a bit 'iffy' at best, I am sure one of the good people on here would stick their head through the door and get the info for you.

hire shops

Posted: Sun 05 Apr 2009 23:23
Hi Serge,

If anyone is in the area of a hire shop and has the time and inclination to do that on my behalf, it would be very much appreciated.


Posted: Mon 06 Apr 2009 07:19
by Kathy
Sorry I can't find a website or email for them. I know what it is like trawling round trying to find things. When time is precious you can't afford to waste it. Type out what you want to ask then I am sure someone on here will translate it for you then you can ring them. Knowing the correct name for the paint sprayer is the problem.

tool hire

Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2009 00:18
Thanks all for the contributions

I will try a visit to Lopez Location and take a picture of the said machine with me.

Good job a picture paints a thousand words eh! ( even french words !!) .


Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2009 10:34
by Roger O
Just curious - you mention an airless sprayer. What advantage does this have over a HVLP machine (e.g. Earlex 5000 which is semi-professional)??
I know someone who used such a machine to spray a 30meter long by 2meter high wall in about one day.

tool hire

Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2009 11:06
Hello Roger,

Its a case of 'horses for courses'.

The area I need to cover is large and I am using a thick pliolite, resin based paint.This is solvent based and would need to be thinned down with large quantities of white spirit in order to go through the machine you mention as it would not cope with the viscosity of the paint otherwise.

This has the effect of having to do more coats to get the coverage and sends large quantities of white spirit vapour into the air which is not that environmentaly friendly to the atmosphere of the user.

I am using this type of paint as I do not want to have to do the job again---ever !!--applied properly it should last at least 15 years, hopefully longer.

By using the paint relatively undiluted it also reduces the wind drift of the paint so that only my property gets painted instead of next doors car and cat !!

Hope that answers the question.


Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2009 11:17
by Roger O
Thanks for that T&B - It's just that I have here a 50x1.80meter wall in "parpaing"
which I need to do - and I'm afraid I was picking your brains for alternative tips!!!

There are alternatives to painting - such as rough tinted-cement coverage -
the preparation is a bit of a bind.. but I do have my own cement mixer
and loads of cement, sand and gravel left from a previous job..
(there's a resto near here with such a wall which looks very nicely artisanal
like some of those walls in Spain and Greece)
or to have it "crepied" professionally as i wouldn't want to do that myself.
However, the best quote for the crepie so far is around 2000euros...

BRgds, Roger

Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2009 11:40
by joffan
We use several tool hire companies in Perpignan. The following have websites

Locoutils, they are just off the Route de Thuir
04 68 85 40 05

Laho, they are in the ZI Grande St Charles
04 68 85 40 05

Both appear to do spray painting equipment

tool hire

Posted: Tue 14 Apr 2009 20:52
Hello Joffan,

Thanks for the info.Was hoping to get some equipment a little nearer but if I cant find anything closer to base then I will certainly try the Perpignan Locations.

Many thnaks again.