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Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2015 12:04
by martyn94
I was pretty much weaned on Manx kippers, so it was a pleasant (if shaming) surprise when I first lived in (northern) France that you could get kippers at every fish shop/stall very much more easily, and of much higher quality, than I was able to do in London. It was one of the very few drawbacks of living down here that they weren't generally available. But now they seem to be: occasionally at Intermarché in Argelès, and almost always at my quite small local SuperU. Needless to say I try to encourage them by buying.

Is this just a one-off, or are they making their way into local food habits? (Though not, I think, ever for breakfast).

It's probably not the thread to say so, but "kippers" doesn't seem to have a singular in French: un kippers, deux kippers, etc.

Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2015 13:07
by opas
Love them, it was our treat when we were at our holiday caravan in Blackpool, a few years ago I was struggling for a birthday present for my late dad. I phoned a company in Fleetwood,they box and same daypost them, ffortunately they were only going near Manchester. Not cheap, , but a lovely treat.

The french already think we Brits are mad eating bacon, eggs etc....


Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2015 13:52
by BT
I love kippers, so underrated


Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2015 14:14
by martyn94
Just for fun, I once asked a French fishmonger for "une paire" of kippers, to see whether it worked in French. It doesn't. I love the conceit that buying only one kipper just doesn't compute, as indeed it didn't when I was a kid. Breakfast of Champions!

Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2015 14:48
by Kate
Love 'em too - but shhhhhhhhhh. Those of you who know my married name will understand why I don't shout it from the rooftops. :lol: :oops:

Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2015 14:55
by martyn94
Kate wrote:Love 'em too - but shhhhhhhhhh. Those of you who know my married name will understand why I don't shout it from the rooftops. :lol: :oops:
Don't tell me: it must be Farage.

Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2015 15:18
by Sue
Ooh I love kippers too and their unsmoked sister (the soft roe included)

Posted: Tue 10 Nov 2015 18:40
by martyn94
Sue wrote:Ooh I love kippers too and their unsmoked sister (the soft roe included)
And maatjes, and bismarck, and rollmops, and soused herrings (my mother's "signature dish": she wasn't much of a cook), and filets d'hareng, pommes à l'huile. And all the 57 varieties of scandinavian pickled herring. I very much hope that my serious IKEA-ing will be over by the time they open in Perpignan, but I will certainly be there for the herrings.