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Bringing an elderly relative to live in France

Posted: Tue 03 Mar 2015 08:27
by Kate
Received by email

I would like to ask if anyone has any experience of bringing an elderly relative to live with them permanently in France and if anyone can offer any advice.We are hoping to bring an elderly parent to live with us here in the P-O but as it's a big step I would be very interested in anyone else's experience, how to sort out medical care, how the situation has worked out for others socially…. Thanks for your advice in advance.

Posted: Mon 06 Apr 2015 18:48
by Maggie
Hello,I have just read your post on the PO life and I would like to offer you some advice help with your elderly parent moving to France. My mother has lived with us for nearly 9 years now and so we know all the ins and outs required to avoid major obstacles (and I can assure you there are a few!!)but also there is a wonderful amount of help you can get from the social services. It's easy when you know how,but we had to learn by trial and error. If you are interested in meeting up for a chat, I would be more than happy to arrange a RDV. We live in Claira a few minutes from the Carrefour shopping complex, where are you based?
I look forward to hearing from you ...Regards Maggie