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Furry? Four legs?

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2014 12:58
by Tatra Man
It says on the Index page "Post all topics on our furry 4 legged friends here". Dare I ask if there's a separate board for the poor birds, fish, insects, pachyderms and reptiles without the required number of legs or the correct skin covering?

I must admit I've always wanted a furry boa-constrictor. Still insufficient legs though!

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2014 14:16
by Kate
Any animal goes TM - if you want to ask advice on your tarantula (which do exist in the PO by the way!) we can always find an expert to help out.

Excerpt from a past P-O Life
Mygale is a general name for large hairy spiders, some of which we refer to as……Tarantulas!! Arrggghhh! The particular one sighted several times around here is affectionately called a funnel web spider, a tunnel building tarantula relative, found mostly in southern Spain, and believed to be imported into our region in the roots of very old olive trees.

Yes, they do bite and yes, it is poisonous - but take comfort. The bite is rarely fatal unless especially allergic.

Yet more good news (or bad news for spider lovers). Winter in the P-O (and especially this last one) is generally too harsh for baby mygales to survive , or for the adults to breed, and in most cases, even the adults cannot survive our winters.

Do take a peep in your shoes before you put them back on if you have been taking a nap near an olive grove!!

Posted: Fri 18 Apr 2014 19:40
by Tatra Man
I do like spiders but, oh my! - The only funnel-web I've ever heard of is the Sydney funnel-web and Aussies tell me that's seriously deadly!

I'm 1,345m up so I guess I'm fairly safe but I might check my ski boots more carefully in the mornings!!

My partner's threatening to bring me an olive tree - but from Morrisons! I wonder if the Catalan customs will give it a good shake!